What is nikoContract Electronic Signature?

nikoContract is an electronic signature service for digitally signing documents. An electronic signature is an alternative option to paper-based signatures for the faster signing of documents.

nikoContract provides certain country-specific electronic signatures services. For details click here

Get started with nikoContract free.

Benefits of Electronic Signatures

Legally Valid

Legally Valid

  • Electronic signatures are legal in most countries.
Remote Execution

Remote Execution

  • Electronic signatures can be executed from anywhere.
Saves Cost

Saves Cost

  • Electronic signatures save paperwork and travel costs.
Fast Completion

Fast Completion

  • Electronic signatures save travel time.

What can you do with nikoContract?

Create and send easily

Upload your contract, add signers, add fields to your contract, and send.

To learn more, watch: How to create and send contract?

Create and send easily

Fill fields and sign

Fill fields and sign

Signer fills the assigned fields and signs the document.

To learn more, watch: How to sign the contract?

Review contract progress

View your contract status and store contracts.

To learn more, watch: How to view and store contracts?

Review contract progress